Lake district Lichens 1

A few days spent near Keswick attending a literature festival provided an opportunity for  stroll to Crummock Water and short walks round Braithwaite and Stonetwaite. The lichens and mosses are stunning at this time of year. I photographed a few so the identification is by photo only and might be wrong. Below is Parmotrema perlatum (Black Stone flower) on tree bark.parmotrema perlatum

Also on tree bark Pepperpot Lichen (Pertusaria pertusa).

pertusaria pertusa

Fusidea lightfootii,

Also on a tree bark is Lecanora Chlarotera


Nearby another tree bark lichen, Phlyctis argena, White paint lichen.


Moving from the woodland to the lake, below is a Caldonia possibly Chlorophaea on rock

cldonia chlCN6658

On rock, Lecanora sulphurea

L sulphureaDSCN6612

and this strange one Enterographa crassa?enterographa hutchinsiae?

Ochrolechia parella is more familiar below.

Ochrolechia parella

Below is possibly Acrocordia salweyi in grey and Verrucaria aethiobola in tan.

Acrocordia salweyi, Verrucaria aethiobola

Fuscidea cyathoides was widespread with Fuscidea Kochiana looking whiter and crumpled.


Fuscidea lighfootii, a fluorescent green, brightened the rock colour.

Fusidea lightfootii,

Next is a selection of Cladonias, always difficult to distinguish. Below C coniocrea.

Cladonia coniocrea,

C macilenta?

Cladonia macilenta

C squamosa?

cladonia squmosa

C uncialis

Cladonia uncialis.JPG


to be continued.


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